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I was stopped in my tracks by Honeysuckle last week, in fact so much so that I made my first plant essence with it.

This summer term we were working with Authenticity, inspired by my rose, and we’d spoken about experiencing the sweetness that life has to offer if we are living and practicing authentically (rather than the opposite - disappointment).

Well as plants go, you don’t get much sweeter than Honeysuckle!

Walking past this plant I felt halted, almost yanked back, to stay and breathe in her glorious scent. With the heavily scented yellow and white flowers and delicate strong vines, I felt pulled strongly to my centre and to the present moment.

At the time I was walking to the park, fairly lost in the realm of my mind! Thoughts that were not of the present, but rather of future or past or not even of a time I have any agency over! Worrying about things out of my control that could be happening elsewhere - any parent will understand that feeling

The last 9-12 months have been a time of planning and preparing, and much like having a baby, a new life has been breathed into those plans and they have magically taken on a life of their own!

A lot of that planning and preparing was for Rest & Restore, the Yoga, Nature & Ayurveda Retreat that a friend and I co-hosted a few weeks ago. The irony of the time frame is not lost on me, because the process of planning and creating the retreat in many ways reminded me of being pregnant, and of planning for the arrival of our first born. The very same daughter that has spent the last 9-12 months finely tuning her plans for solo travel, which she is now doing hence the ‘elsewhere’ worries that I mentioned earlier!

It took us years to fall pregnant so when it actually happened I both treasured and worried every moment in equal measure! I poured so much love, care and attention into caring for this little soul seed growing within me that I thought of little else. I can honestly say, I have thought of little else leading up to the retreat, pouring love, care and attention into every detail of how and what we were offering our guests. I’d wanted to run a retreat for a number of years, but just hadn’t felt the confidence to run one on my own and hadn’t met the right person to run one with. Much like planning a family, despite knowing you want to have children, things don’t always happen as soon as you’d like, and co-parenting requires the right partnership. Whilst you’re never going to agree on everything, both hearts have to be in the right place, be roughly on the same page and with equal amounts of dedication and commitment!

Well I can honestly say that planting an authentic intention of what and how we wanted to offer and share our retreat, worked. As our guests arrived, our plans started to take shape and a magical quality was breathed into it as it took on a life of its own.

One of the most magical ‘sweet’ experiences of my life. The stunning venue, the carefully and lovingly prepared goodie bags, the gently paced and optional schedule, love and connection woven throughout, enabling all of our guests to feel held, nourished and cared for whilst also feeling the freedom and space to do as little or as much as they wanted. To show up just as they are, to take what they needed and leave what they didn’t.

Every detail of the retreat had been carefully considered, but left fluid enough to flow and breathe in its own way. Like parenting you can't plan everything and wouldn't want to, we learnt valuable lessons along the way that offered our guests the opportunity to hold our human-ness with love and compassion! Laughter, tears, joy and connection have created memories within everyone there that are felt soul deep and won’t be forgotten.

"Happiness is possible only when we are kind to others and contented within." - Satish Kumar

I had thought I would want to write and post about the retreat as soon as it was done, however much like the early few weeks after having a baby, there was an instinctual need to ‘sit’ with it all. To let everything settle, let myself process the whole experience and just be in awe of the magic we created.

Recognising how much of myself I poured into the retreat and into supporting our daughter’s travel plans meant it was essential for me to come back to some self care, self nourishment and self love. I have been quieter, less present online and more present for 'me' in recent weeks as the energy settles.

Part of that self nourishment and self love was going to the Community Festival in Hay-on-Wye at the weekend. Here I found authenticity and the sweetness that resides therein. With so many opportunities to just drop into the present moment, I felt the energy of just being myself return, curious to try new things, to return to things I love, to sing, to dance, to breathe, to let go, to move, roar and be free. Feeling the love and connection found in community, has topped my cup to overflowing again!

"We need to learn to live in the here and now; this moment is the best moment. Live it fully." - Satish Kumar

New life has been breathed back in and I'm excited to see what magical forms take on a new life of their own from here!

Honeysuckle represents the ability to be fully in the present moment, it is the only time we ever truly have and it's the sweetest place to be.

Wishing you the sweetness of the present moment and the energy of love and connection over the next few weeks whilst we take a break.

I hope to see some of you at the Newton Green Outdoor classes in August ( see website dates and times).

We'll be back to the regular schedule of classes w/c 11th September.

Om shanti, shanti, shanti



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